26-26 Apr 2022 Skövde (Sweden)

Keynote speakers


Prof Farouk Yalaoui

Prof. Farouk YALAOUI is currently a full Professor at Troyes University of Technology (UTT), France, where he is the director of Services and Industries of The Future of Troyes Institute (ISIFT). He is also scientific director of Industrial Chair “Connected Innovation” of UTT since 2016 https://chaire-connected-innovation.fr/ .

He obtained his Engineering degree in Industrial Engineering from the Polytechnics School of Algiers (Algeria) in 1995, his master’s degree in Industrial System Engineering from Polytechnics Institute of Lorraine (Nancy, France) in 1997, his Ph.D. degree in Production Management from the Troyes University of Technology (UTT) in 2000 and followed by a Habilitation à diriger les recherches (Dr. Hab) from Compiegne University of Technology (UTC) in 2006. His research topic focuses on the scheduling problems, system design, operations research, modeling, analysis and optimization of logistic and production systems, reliability and maintenance optimization and on optimization problems in general.
He is author or co-author of a pattern and more than 440 contributions, publications or communications with 1 patent; 3 books (Ellipses, Hermes-Lavoisier, Willey and Sons), 3 edited books (Springer), 12 book chapters and 80 papers in journals such as IIE Transactions, European Journal of Operational research, International Journal of Production Economics, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Computer & Operations research, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. He also published more than 270 papers in conference proceedings. He had presented 42 invited speeches (seminaries or conferences plenary sessions). He was invited by different universities more than 2° times.

He is member of editor board of the book series "Automation and Control - Industrial Engineering", ISTE Wiley, London, since 2014. He is also member of several international conference committees (about 121 conferences), member of more than 25 organization committees of conferences and the general Chair of IFAC MIM 2016. He served or serves as editor to 15 International journal Boards. He supervised or co-supervised 20 Ph.D thesis and more than 55 projects since 2001.

He is Vice Chair of IFAC (International federation of Automation and Control) TC group 5.2. He is Chair of a Working Group on multiobjective optimization. He is member of ITAC TC group 5.1. He is member of French Universities National Council (CNU) field Automation, Control, Industrial Engineering (section 61). http://losi.utt.fr/fr/membres/yalaoui.html.. He is member and expert for French ANR agency, and for different agency such French AERES Agency, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Algerian PNR program. He is member of Algerian Academy of Science and Technology since 2015. He obtained of Annual Award 20117 of the IFAC French National Member Organization (NMO).


Talk Abstract

Industry 4.0 has become one of the hot issues for industrial companies nowadays. This deep transformation that companies undergo will not only change the production process or design but also how companies interact with the clients and suppliers. This talk is dedicated to new trends in Industry 4.0 and in particular technologies and solutions that allow companies to innovate and introduce new services for the industries of the future. We will introduce the different challenges that companies face today to implement and integrate these technologies and how to overcome them. A special focus will be given to human resources and their importance in the management of change and in helping the companies innovate in services. Finally, we tackle the interaction between the R&D sphere and the industrial sphere as the most important step in innovation nowadays. Examples and success stories will be given to show how this interaction provide the companies with a big advantage over competitors.


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